Produkt zum Begriff Ebook:
Brilliant Book-keeping ebook
Successful financial management starts with effective book-keeping. Whether you run a business, are self-employed, or simply want to get to grips with your personal finances, Brilliant Book-keeping will ensure your accounts are as efficient and profitable as they should be. Thisbook will show you how to keep accurate and complete financial records. You'll never fear a tax audit again! Packed with practical, step-by-step advice to guarantee your accounts will always be in great shape.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Introductory Macroeconomics (Custom eBook)
This is a bespoke custom title created especially for use on Introductory Macroeconomics, University of Bath.Your lecturer has created this personalised textbook tosupport your studies. It contains Pearson content fromour world-renowned authors, and often industry leadingcase studies and articles. As a bespoke text, it contains the content you specifically need for your course - nothing extra! Your lecturers may also have included their own, tailored learning materialsspecific to your course.Pearson works closely with your university and yourlecturers and we are committed to helping you learn.Why not give your study skills a boost and start preparingfor your future career now? Take a look at our skillsresources:
Preis: 51.35 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Agile Now PDF eBook
Want to work smarter, faster and more productively?Agile is an innovative way of working that will help you deliver high quality products and services cost-effectively, to embrace change and keep improving as you go. Whether you're a one-person start-up or with a multinational, Agile Now will help you get to grips with the essence of agile thinking, identify what works best, avoid common mistakes and boost your efficiency.Agile Now is a quick-start introduction with universal appeal, bringing together all the essential theory with practical advice, so you harness the power of agile and hit the ground running.Join the agile revolution. Get agile, now.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Persuasive Negotiating PDF eBook
Negotiation is an essential business skill; but do you really know how to do it really well? This is your simple, straightforward and empowering guide to effective business negotiations will help you get the result you want – first time, every time.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Mastering Deputy Headship -- eBook
Mastering Deputy Headship is essential reading for all aspiring and newly-appointed deputy heads. The second edition has been comprehensively revised, to provide you with a practical guide to the leadership and management skills required in this demanding role.The new edition of this bestseller includes three new chapters, and offers vital guidance on:the first few weeks in post the management of change performance management up-to-date coverage of the NPQH coping with learning, teaching and curriculum responsibilities managing a budget and handling your school finances time management skills
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Mastering Operational Risk PDF eBook
A practical guide, from the basic techniques, through to advanced applications, showing you what operational risk is, and how you can manage it. Mastering Operational Risk provides a step-by-step guide from the basic elements of operational risk through to advanced applications of operational risk management. Focusing on practical applications, it gives you the knowledge needed to understand what operational risk is and puts in place a workable way of managing it.
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The Power of Women (eBook)
Despite countless diversity initiatives, gender inequality in career pathways for women in the modern workplace continues. This book reveals Why. It is a call to action. Drawing on a meticulous study that involved interviews with 70 corporate executives, a survey of 2,000 employees, and comprehensive desk-research, Dr Khan unearths the pernicious impact of gender stereotypes, sexual objectification, and the intricate web of double standards that plague the corporate realm. Yet, her insights resonate beyond finger-pointing and victimhood. With a compelling call for introspection, she exposes an uncomfortable truth: the unintentional contributions that women themselves make to their own oppression. With compelling narrative and insightful analysis, Dr Khan navigates the complex paradox of women inadvertently hindering their own advancement by perpetuating harmful behaviours against each other. "We are not just victims," Dr Khan asserts, as she uncovers the subtle ways women internalise and propagate gender biases, unwittingly becoming agents of their own inequality.Dr. Khan courageously delves into the heart of gender dynamics, rejecting easy answers and superficial solutions. She emboldens women to recognise their role as agents of change, capable of dismantling biases within themselves and their surroundings. This isn't a book merely about gender; it's a testament to the change that's possible when both women and men rally together, advocating for progress, fostering solidarity, and creating a fertile ground where everyone can rise. Her message is clear: true empowerment requires acknowledging personal agency while dismantling systemic barriers.Each chapter includes exercises and recommendations for readers to foster working environments where potential knows no gender bounds. If you're ready to challenge the status quo, embrace personal agency, and drive profound transformation in your workplace, "The Power of Women" is your practical and revelatory guide.
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 € -
The Beermat Entrepreneur PDF eBook
The 2018 Edition has been radically updated whilst maintaining all of the classic advice from earlier, successful editions. “This book changed my life and helped me found an international business that eventually sold for many millions of pounds. If only I’d found it sooner!” Justin Gayner, Founder, ChannelFlip“This book is packed with brilliant advice which will give you the confidence to develop wings and fly high as you throw yourself into your new business.” Henrietta Morrison, Founder, Lily’s Kitchen"‘I recommend this book to any aspiring entrepreneur.’ Sir Charles Dunstone CVO, Founder, Carphone Warehouse“If you want to know how to successfully grow a company, this is the book for you!” Brendan Robinson, Founder, Village Vet This business book is great for leaders, middle managers and entrepreneurs interested in the following categories; SMALL BUSINESSES START-UP BUSINESSENTREPRENEURSHIPThe Beermat Entrepreneur helps you convert your jotted notes about your business idea into a big and successful business. With wit and humour, this quick-to-read and simple-to-use book could turn your beermat inspiration into reality. You’ve got a bright idea. An idea that you think maybe, just maybe, could become a brilliant business. But what next? The Beermat Entrepreneur is the answer. It takes you through all the crucial stages between those first notes on a beermat and a business that is sound, lasting and profitable. It tells you what the other books don’t – the lessons that most people have to learn by bitter experience; the tricks that all entrepreneurs wish somebody had told them before they set out. From testing your idea and finding a mentor, through selecting and motivating the right people and securing your first customer, to deciding when to ‘go for growth’ – this is the guide to turning good ideas into real businesses.Revised and updated completely, this classic book for entrepreneurs contains the distilled wisdom of serially successful entrepreneur Mike Southon and is packed with advice and insight for any aspiring business person, either within an existing company or thinking of starting up on their own. Happy Reading! Please do share your thoughts with us.
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
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